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water shaft

2013. 7. 5. 10:26 | Posted by 이비그치면

An underground conduit for bringing water from a spring into a city. There is archeological evidence for water shafts at Jerusalem and Megiddo from the Canaanite period onward. At Jerusalem there is a tunnel to the spring of Gihon which brought water to the city. Some scholars think that 2 Samuel 5:8refers to this.

백석, 흰돌??

2013. 7. 5. 10:21 | Posted by 이비그치면

요한계시록 2장 17절

흰돌 : 무죄투표,  검은돌 : 유죄투표

구내식당 음식평가

녹색표(맛있다), 붉은색(맛없다)

막대기(rod) : 경고(alert, alarm), 징계와 견책  가이드

지팡이(staff) : 칭찬과 격려 보호,보조,advisor,consultant

이스라엘교육의 두가지 야사르 야카이의 의미와 부합??

'Questions > Q2' 카테고리의 다른 글

water shaft  (0) 2013.07.05
백석, 흰돌??  (0) 2013.07.05
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